The Bible in a Nutshell

This five lesson study gives you a big picture look at the Scriptures and some of the major threads that run through it. The first lesson (What’s God Doing With the World?) traces the entire Bible storyline and focuses on how God brings light from darkness. Other lessons will consider important subjects like “What’s the Gospel Message All About?” and “Why Should We Take God Seriously?”

God’s Purposes for Mankind

The Bible argues that you and I are not random clumps of biological material, but that we were intentionally created to fulfill glorious roles in his creation. This six lesson course goes through specific passages in Genesis, Exodus, and Isaiah to unveil what God has always wanted his humans to be.

The Gospel of Mark

TV shows, movies, and books depict Jesus of Nazareth in a variety of different ways. But who was he, really? What did he care about? What were people struck by when they were around him? What did he teach? There is no better way to truly understand Jesus than by reading one of the four ancient accounts of his life and work.

Something Else?

Do you have particular spiritual questions that weigh on your mind? Have you been reading a part of the Bible and want to understand it better? Let me know what you’d like to study!