If you study with me, what will that look like?

  • A focus on God’s words, not human opinions. When I study the Scriptures and teach them, I try to ask myself, “What does this passage say,” not “What does it say to me?” My personal feelings about a text do not determine its purpose. When God recorded his Scriptures, He was using words in particular ways to communicate a fixed meaning. My students and I are trying to find that original meaning.

  • A focus on how God’s words impact our personal lives. For example, if you and I are studying Genesis 1 together, we won’t just talk about the important details of how God took lifeless chaos and brought life and beauty out of it. We will also discuss how God can take the chaos of our lives and bring us healing and purpose.

  • Opportunities for you to voice questions or comments. When Jesus taught, he didn’t just lecture. He made time for back-and-forth discussions with the people who were curious about what they heard from him (Mark 4.10). In a similar way, your interaction is welcome!

  • Structured study time. Typically, my studies are scheduled weekly, and each study is roughly 45 minutes long. However, I am happy to work with you on a schedule that fits your interest and availability.