“So that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known”

When you examine the many different churches that exist around the world, it’s quite easy to become confused and frustrated. In a sea of different religious traditions and messages all around us, how can we discover what God’s true church actually looks like? What is a church and what does God want it to do?  

First, what does the word “church” actually mean? Since this word has become bogged down with lots of different meanings, we need to begin by understanding its’ basic meaning in the New Testament. The original Greek word for church (ekklesia) simply means “group,” “assembly,” or “gathering.” We find gatherings of God’s people (Ephesians 5.23) and we also find gatherings of idol-worshippers (Acts 19.32). The word “church,” therefore, doesn’t automatically have religious meaning attached to it – it’s simply the word God used to describe His collection of people. In the New Testament, God’s messengers used the word church in two ways: to collectively describe the group of humans that God has saved throughout time (Hebrews 12.22-23), and to talk about local groups of Christians (1 Thessalonians 1.1). 

So what is the purpose of God’s universal church? The group of God’s saved people is God’s way of showing His greatness. We see this clearly when we read the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Christians in Ephesus. Christians are His lights in the darkness of culture (Ephesians 5.7-14), His tools for accomplishing good works (Ephesians 2.10), His temple and dwelling place (Ephesians 2.21-22), His wisdom on display to angelic beings (Ephesians 3.10), and His companion and partner (Ephesians 5.22-24). Most of all, Christians are conduits of the marvelous glory of God (Ephesians 1.6, 12, 14; 3.21). In His great wisdom, God has ensured that there are people everywhere in every time period who actively work to reflect Him. 

What’s the purpose of a local church of Christians? Local churches provide the recharging stations necessary to equip Christians to go out and fulfill their purpose in their local communities. In the New Testament, we see Christians assembling for congregational worship (Acts 2.42), giving and receiving Biblical instruction (Acts 2.42), storing up money to support fellow Christians in their work for the Lord (1 Corinthians 16.1-4), and unifying around a memorial meal that reenacts Jesus’ last supper with his apostles (Luke 22.14-23; Acts 2.42, 20.7).